Author: Cevizlibusraanaokulu Team

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Adjusting To The Learning Ecosystem

School is the place where you learn to connect with the ecosystem. Setting the learning ecosystem right can attribute to the success of your child’s schooling. It is here you learn to connect with plants, insects, birds, fishes, animals and food. It is a whole new experience on …

Things To Consider While Choosing A Kindergarten

Parents form strong opinions when it comes to choosing a Kindergarten for their child. There are number of school promising the best for your wards including academics and physical activities but parents need to research extensively before taking a call. Here are some tips that give you insights …

Teaching Methodologies To Hone Young Minds

Young mind is like a sponge it absorbs everything that comes its way. Children want to learn and present everything in the fun way. They also have the desire to share their knowledge. The best teachers are those who motivate children through curiosity and eagerness to learn. Motivation …