Author: Cevizlibusraanaokulu Team

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Learning from Mother Nature

Being in touch with nature is particularly essential in this digital world. Human interaction these days has more to do with machines and devices rather than other living beings. Children are growing so far removed from nature in concrete jungles without even the meager interaction with nature that …

Responsibilities of Kindergarten Instructors

Education is essential for every individual because it teaches us what our planet is all about. With proper learning, children understand the purpose of their life and the existence of other people related to them socially or genetically, willingly or unwillingly. It helps people to explore and discover …

A Day In The Life Of A Kindergarten Teacher

Experts define kindergarten as the class that bridges elementary school with early childhood care. It is considered a vital element of life because it teaches students a lot and therefore requires special knowledge from educators. The responsibilities a KG teacher has is somewhat similar to those of other …

What It Takes To Be A Good Teacher?

Do you wish to work with children? Do you want to spend most of your time in a classroom? Do you have a passion for influencing young minds? If the answer to these three questions is an unequivocal yes, then it might be time to consider opting to …