Author: Cevizlibusraanaokulu Team

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Making Math Easy With Games

Creating An Affinity For Math Mathematics can be a daunting subject. More than half the people in the world despise it simply because they cannot wrap their heads around the theory of the subject. For the other half, it is love at first sight. Somehow, they seem to …

Science And Technology For Kindergarten

How To Make Kindergarten Interesting Kindergarten is the right stage where the kids can be introduced to technology and science in a way that imbibes creativity and logical skills. It is the stage where kids are quite curious about everything surrounding them. Introducing science and technology for kindergarten …

Fun color activites for preschoolers

Getting children to work with colours and objects could be a brand-new way of teaching them basic shapes and early mathematical skills. Design color activites for preschoolers carefully so that the fun and learning are balanced tastefully. Shapes could help the toddlers develop their consciousness to a better …

Significant Use Of Technology In Classrooms

Impact Of Technology And Educational Tools Children of today have better exposure to the use of technology than any other generation. Even preschoolers or toddlers are experts in browsing through the web and accessing what they want to know and learn. Kindergarten classrooms are the best start for …